How To Keep Your itel Mobiles Safe From Cyber Threats

As the world went into lockdown to secure itself from the coronavirus pandemic, we all had to get used to working more from our home spaces. And subsequently, as our collective online activity grew further, malicious hackers found a new landscape for finding and targeting users and big companies. In this blog, we want to inform and educate our valuable users on how they can safeguard their privacy online and keep their sensitive information on their itel mobiles safe from unsuspecting cyber threats.


Your itel mobile is designed to help you explore the furthest heights of your passion, and go after all endeavors you want to pursue with full freedom. But whether you are browsing the web for informational blogs, or following your mentors on social media, hackers are on the lookout for different ways to target your itel mobiles like itel Vision 1 and A48. Your mobile devices are as susceptible to be on the receiving end of cyber threats as your desktop computers when they are connected to the internet.

Now let’s go through some of the most prevalent threats your itel devices may be facing every day.


Malware and Spyware

Mobile malware is a malicious piece of software that targets mobile devices, such as your smartphones and tablets, with the intention of gaining access to private data of the user. You could be browsing the latest news on your itel A48 phone and suddenly a message may ask you to download better security on your device. Once clicked, your itel mobiles would actually get infected, giving the creator of the malware access to your information without you even knowing it.

Spyware is a stealthy type of malware. It may not get your attention as a message or a pop-up notification, but could also accidentally install just while browsing the internet. They can then track your device use and personal information like passwords and your location. You should try and keep your itel phone secure by not visiting unverified websites.


Phishing Scams

Phishing is another common form of cyber attack that tricks users into giving out their financial or personal information through e-mails (and even SMSs). Your mail provider on your itel mobiles would have security that checks and marks it as spam/virus but even then, many people still become victims of phishing (because it’s getting harder to differentiate the genuine mails from phishing scams). A mail may seem to be from a legitimate business, or someone you know and have a link that asks you to enter sensitive information, such as account details, OTP, etc which all go directly to the scammer.

Lately the same practice has started happening through text messages as well. Research shows that people are more likely to click on a suspicious link while browsing on their mobiles than when they are on their desktop devices. As it’s easy to mistake them with real mails/texts, be wary and trust the links of verified pages and people only and secure the privacy of your itel phone.


Unsecured Free Public Wi-Fi Hotspots

Your itel A48 smartphone is your trusted all-rounder for all entertainment needs, with its big HD+ Waterdrop display and ultra-slim bezels. And when you are hanging out in the mall, and find a place with free wireless internet, it may be the perfect setting for watching the cricket series that’s coming on.

But you may be putting your itel mobiles at risk. Free Wi-Fi hotspots are often unsecured, which means that they do not have the latest encryption settings enabled that can protect your online activity. This may allow hackers to infiltrate your device and intercept (access and copy) all communication between your mobile device and the internet, all without you knowing it.


So we see that our connected devices are continuously at risk of getting infected from harmful cyber threats present on the internet. But by being aware and better securing your itel phone with these tips and tricks, we can navigate the digital space much better.


Keep your device software updated on the latest versions

Your mobile devices get regular updates and security patches that can ensure the latest protection against most mobile security threats. But not all people always keep their itel mobiles updated.

With so many threats from phishing to malware around, updating your mobile device should be on top priority if you want to protect your data inside. Create an alert that lets you know when the latest version of update has become available for download.


Install a Security Software on your itel phone

You could get an antivirus program on your smartphone, the same way you install one to keep your laptops and desktop computers virus-free. You can choose from a list of trusted security providers, all of which have a mobile counterpart to their PC software.

As the threat will not ease up anytime in the near future, this would be a great investment to keep your itel Vision 1, A48, or other itel mobiles free from malicious cyber threats.


Beware of Apps/games from third-party websites

Mobile apps on the play store regularly go through security assessments, and that’s why you are encouraged at various points to only download verified apps. By installing an app from unverified third-party website, you may be putting your itel mobile privacy at great risk, as spyware, ransomware, and viruses can make their homes inside.

Being careful and choosing apps/games from verified sources can prevent your itel phone from these threats.


Have Strong Passwords

People still use simple number sequences like ‘12345678’ and just ‘password’ as a lazy habit. But ideally, your passwords should be at least eight characters long and combine letters, numbers, and symbols. As the first line of defence, this is an ideal practice everyone should take good care of.

Many mail providers and apps are also using a 2-step verification that adds another step to your mobile security.


Your itel mobiles are your best partners, helping you navigate the wonderful digital space of the internet with greatest ease. But as cyber attacks keep increasing, your itel phone and your private data needs to be protected much better. By being aware of how phishing and malware works, and how you can better secure your private information through security software and passwords, you can have greater peace of mind and carry on with your magical pursuits with good safety.


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